Grid on which this font is constructed, with the upper and lower case O as example
Construction method which was used in 2013 in order to digitize the font
[1976-1977] However, this is not a geometrically conceived typeface, the structure appeared only after-wards. I started outlining some key characters, trying to find a structure that would serve as the basis for the other characters. Such a structure is an underlying instrument used to obtain a homogeneous whole, however, it is not visible in the final result. It was a great surprise to receive this beautiful grid as a result, and then to see the other letters fit gently into it.
Annual report for the departmental direction of the equipment of the Herault region, France 1977
Artisan building company, Montpellier France 1979
Invitations for seminars on business law held at Montpellier, La Grande Motte and Paris 1980
Annual report for the departmental direction of the equipment of the Herault region, France 1976